"I created a vision of David in my mind and simply carved away everything that was not David." 

~ Michelangelo

I was watching a video posted by Light Watkins this morning on Instagram and he posed this statement about could we achieve our goals not by acquiring more but stripping away everything that no longer fits with our vision of the future? What would that entail? Beliefs and values that no longer serve us, material things or behaviours that may have been ok in the past but no longer fit with our ideal life in the future. 

I watched it a few times as this simple message really resonated with me, like a puzzle piece just sliding in to place. This year I’ve dealt with weight, literally holding me down and perfection, which holds me back from time to time.

I’m currently shedding the kilos to live a healthier and more active life. This weight is holding me back from contributing my energy to my business, family and friends. I will be an aunt again in the new year and I want to be able to push my nephew/niece on the swing for as long as they want to, not until my back insists I sit down.

This year I’ve experimented with action over perfection. Putting myself out there with my first website and now the second one,  publishing blogs. Endless finessing and perfecting does not move me forward, action does. I’ve learnt that I need to do things in iterations, based on the feedback I receive from my clients, I will get closer to the mark. They have helped me further understand my strengths and unique selling proposition which has been invaluable to marketing my skills. I’m not fully reformed yet but I didn’t die, it wasn’t catastrophic to just get my offering out there. 

Next year, I’ll be working on my abundance mentality. The belief that there is enough work and prosperity for everyone, including me. Because someone is successful, does not mean I will be less successful as a direct result. My vision for the next six months is to double the turnover of my business. I cannot do this without an abundance mentality.

In 2021, what will be your David? Move forward towards that clear vision and just chip away everything that is not, just like Michelangelo did.